Long time, no see. Shame. But really the only person reading this is me or some hapless individual(s) in the future - hence it doesn't really matter. However, worry not as a post is impending...
The reason why? Well, this time i've not been cheating on my culture tumblr thing (here) - no, instead i've been masturbating profusely and partying. Good times. However, it has left me somewhat divoid of time with which to do all this stuff - however, i've now decided that instead of being productive i'm gonna smoke cigarettes, make clothes and talk to my boy. This has all somewhat led to a very strong urge to get back to all this bohemian nonsense - so here i am...
Monday, 5 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Big Boy Now... Part 1
...moving up in the world, being given more responsibilities, being forced to be more self-reliant. All of these things, supposedly, make a person more mature. I beg to differ. Recently myself and my peers have 'moved up in the world' so to speak. We wear suits, we roam freely and are trusted enough to take care of our own safety and welfare. As I saw this step up in the world coming towards me in the summer, I assumed that those sharing this graduation in responsibility, would become more mature. Oh, how could I have been more wrong?
I have been told many times by me superiors that my opinions and way of expressing them, is at a maturity beyond my age. I have also been told that those friends that I surround myself with are also mature beyond their age. I am proud of this. As we moved into this period of our lives with each other, we realised that this gift of responsibility was not a prize for maturity, but rather, a challenge to show your maturity. Sadly, others of my age group have not realised this. They assume that with all these responsibilities, they are able to be just as much of a child as before, except be punished less. Referring to them as children, maybe a little unfair. Children are innocent, learn from their mistakes and are often incredibly adept at forgiving and understanding people, more so than most adults. These people I take of are rather more like... well, toss-pots and selfish, arrogant, egotistical dicks.
They continue to make up ridiculous stories, make fun of those different to themselves in order to impress those around them, and show a deliberate lack of interest in their success, all, seemingly to prove they're 'real men'. What they do not realise is that the mark of maturity is not popularity, or the ability to demean those smaller than yourself, but rather the ability to be aware of your actions and how they may effect those around you. What's ironic is that they demean those people with that mark of maturity, those people that are 'real men' or 'real women'.
Yes I'm angry, and yes, this is personal. Yes, someone, an 'arrogant, egotistical dick' has chosen me to demean, in order to impress his peers. Don't worry - I gave him hell, and will continue to do so...
Sidenote- The stories an events involving this unfortunate situation will be described in part two.
I have been told many times by me superiors that my opinions and way of expressing them, is at a maturity beyond my age. I have also been told that those friends that I surround myself with are also mature beyond their age. I am proud of this. As we moved into this period of our lives with each other, we realised that this gift of responsibility was not a prize for maturity, but rather, a challenge to show your maturity. Sadly, others of my age group have not realised this. They assume that with all these responsibilities, they are able to be just as much of a child as before, except be punished less. Referring to them as children, maybe a little unfair. Children are innocent, learn from their mistakes and are often incredibly adept at forgiving and understanding people, more so than most adults. These people I take of are rather more like... well, toss-pots and selfish, arrogant, egotistical dicks.
They continue to make up ridiculous stories, make fun of those different to themselves in order to impress those around them, and show a deliberate lack of interest in their success, all, seemingly to prove they're 'real men'. What they do not realise is that the mark of maturity is not popularity, or the ability to demean those smaller than yourself, but rather the ability to be aware of your actions and how they may effect those around you. What's ironic is that they demean those people with that mark of maturity, those people that are 'real men' or 'real women'.
Yes I'm angry, and yes, this is personal. Yes, someone, an 'arrogant, egotistical dick' has chosen me to demean, in order to impress his peers. Don't worry - I gave him hell, and will continue to do so...
Sidenote- The stories an events involving this unfortunate situation will be described in part two.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Getting Smart: Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized Throughout the US
So this is something i wrote about two years ago as an english assignment... Before I came out. Like most of my English pieces (not meaning to brag... well) it received full marks. My teacher, so impressed asked if I would read it out in class. It's fair to say that that was definitely in my top ten most terrifying moment EVER. Standing up and reading to a bunch of teenagers (most of whom found and still find the notion of being gay a novelty - more on that later) about gay marriage. Anyway here it is.
In the United States and in other countries across the world, huge tensions and political debates are arising over whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized. It is my opinion that by denying same-sex couples the right to lawfully wed, you make them second class citizens. Therefore, in the United States, same-sex marriage should be legalized presently.
It is often argued by those opposing the legalization of same-sex marriage that marriage is an institution meant between one man and one woman, this is also the argument written in US law.
However, this argument is clearly untenable. Who defines marriage? Religion? If this is the case, although the belief may be kept within religious communities, no religious text should directly affect US law, this very point is codified within US law, hence, if this is the case, US law is contradicting itself massively. If it is the married, however, who define marriage, then is it not unfair that those given and enjoying the right to marry can actively deny others the right to marry. Or, finally, it could be tradition that defines marriage. In which case, the tradition of marriage has been broken countless times throughout history, sometimes, for the better. One example of this is divorce, first legalized in Greek-Roman culture, then later on, famously legalized by Henry VIII in medieval England.
Another point often opined by US senates, is that marriage’s main purpose is for procreation and the stable raising of children. This is a point that often angers supporters of same-sex marriage. This is because this argument contradicts itself on so many levels, as well as failing to reward itself little sense. If this argument stated were to be codified in US law, it would not only deny same-sex couples to marry, but also infertile couples, and couples who have no intention of having children. It should also be pointed out that studies have shown same-sex couples just as capable as raising children as their heterosexual counterparts. And although same-sex couples are physically incapable of having children together, they are perfectly able to take part in surrogacy and adoption.
Another fear that many people attain about the legalization of same-sex marriage, is that churches and other religious establishments would be forced to marry same-sex couples, hence putting there beliefs into disrepute. However the proposition contains no such statement, it would be a right not a requirement, that churches could marry same-sex couples. Nor would any law allowing same-sex marriage, deny the right of religious beliefs contradicting such a law.
After evaluating all of the above it is my belief that dis-allowing same-sex marriage is non-sensical and denies the liberation of around 5% of the US population.
Monday, 22 August 2011
I've Been Cheating On You...
...I guess you're wondering why I haven't been around for a while, and, well, I think I should just spit it out really. I have been cheating on you. I'm so sorry, but I want you to understand why. It's just, sometimes, I don't have the time for you, and I don't want to come around here in the small hours of the morning to try and make something amazing with you when we both know, it won't be any good at all - and we'd both be faking it. I just think, that, if we're going to make this work, I have to be honest with you. His name is... Tumblr. I know! I know! I'm sorry, but we think we can make this work... with all three of us. I mean, I'll be in the middle and I can go between you and Tumblr. That way, with all the passion between the three of us, it'll work so well. Right? Oh good! I'm so glad you're happy with it! I can see great things for us three. He's right here if you want to meet him... in fact, we can get started right now if you want? Well, I've shown you to him already, so he already knows about you, but you should get to know him. So here he is, go see what he's like, he's a little more visual but that's all part of it. You can be the words, and he'll be the images and sounds. So glad we could make this work.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Whimsy Wednesdays #1
This is basically going to be a collection of random shit which I find to be of interest. If you don't find it enjoyable, feel free to deal with it, 'cause it's not going anywhere.
This week we're enjoying the words of old. Basically, I found a Oxford English Dictionary, published in 1941. Upon flitting through its surprisingly well-kept pages, I came across a plethora of quite charming definitions, far less scientific than today.
Ga'laxy, n. irregular luminous band of stars encircling heavens; brilliant company.
Grotesque' (-sk), n. a style of decorative art
Pink n. point of perfection or excellence
Tear n. drop let fall from the eye
Turtle ~Soup, made from the green turtle
Wheeze v.i. breathe with audible friction
And if you were ever wondering the scientific word for a 'pun' - it's 'Paronomasia'. Also, just beore I leave you, here's one of my favorite quotes from Oscar Wilde;
"His style is chaos illumined by flashes of lightning. As a writer he has mastered everything except language."
Anyway I hope you enjoyed today's whimsy, I know it's short but if it was long it might not be as whimsical.
Sidenote- I'm still on holiday when you're reading this so - if no post comes up tomorrow or the day after or the week after, it means I never wrote enough posts, which makes me a terrible human being, feel free to chastise me in the comments below.
This week we're enjoying the words of old. Basically, I found a Oxford English Dictionary, published in 1941. Upon flitting through its surprisingly well-kept pages, I came across a plethora of quite charming definitions, far less scientific than today.
Ga'laxy, n. irregular luminous band of stars encircling heavens; brilliant company.
Grotesque' (-sk), n. a style of decorative art
Pink n. point of perfection or excellence
Tear n. drop let fall from the eye
Turtle ~Soup, made from the green turtle
Wheeze v.i. breathe with audible friction
And if you were ever wondering the scientific word for a 'pun' - it's 'Paronomasia'. Also, just beore I leave you, here's one of my favorite quotes from Oscar Wilde;
"His style is chaos illumined by flashes of lightning. As a writer he has mastered everything except language."
Anyway I hope you enjoyed today's whimsy, I know it's short but if it was long it might not be as whimsical.
Sidenote- I'm still on holiday when you're reading this so - if no post comes up tomorrow or the day after or the week after, it means I never wrote enough posts, which makes me a terrible human being, feel free to chastise me in the comments below.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Friday Jams #3
And we're back for another Friday Jam, get those speakers on and make sure you're sitting cross-legged, I find it helps. So since the last post was pretty much dedicated to Janelle Monáe (no regrets about that) I'm gonna make this one as varied and weird as possible.
Today's featured track is a song I've had and loved for a very young time, pretty much since its release. I got the album 'Days to Come' as a late birthday present and on this very awesome album (released 2006) was one track called 'Recurring'. It's quite simply, beautiful. Someone once said (can't remember who) "if sound could resemble how things looked, acted, how things ran, how you heard things, i wish the world was like this song" You may have heard it before, I think it's been played in some adverts or something. Anyway, it's a really wonderfully chilled yet varied and enthralling song and does a very good job at representing its creator (Bonobo) who's genre is almost... his own. I couldn't think where it would fit so I did wikipedia search. It said that it's "Downtempo / TripHop / Chillout" which only confused me further. Anyway, i fully encourage you to get the album 'Days to Come' or his most recent release which is just as beautiful and masterful as the rest 'Black Sands'. But enough of me, here is the song.
Bonobo - Recurring
This second song is one from a classic artist that I've only just got into lately. This song came up whilst on shuffle and I have to say it's one of my favorites if not the one favorite.
Paul Simon - Kodachrome
This third one just has an ingenious intro and it's horrendously funky and awesome in so many ways.
Logo - Hello.jpg
This third one is just, well, to be honest, it's awful. Yet there are so many things about this song that I love. I love that it sound like she's saying "My name is toenail" at the beginning. I love how bad she is at lip syncing, but most of all I love how she brings to the table the worry that everyone has, even me, of being a crappy housewife.
Tonje Langeteig - I Don't Wanna Be A Crappy Housewife
Today's featured track is a song I've had and loved for a very young time, pretty much since its release. I got the album 'Days to Come' as a late birthday present and on this very awesome album (released 2006) was one track called 'Recurring'. It's quite simply, beautiful. Someone once said (can't remember who) "if sound could resemble how things looked, acted, how things ran, how you heard things, i wish the world was like this song" You may have heard it before, I think it's been played in some adverts or something. Anyway, it's a really wonderfully chilled yet varied and enthralling song and does a very good job at representing its creator (Bonobo) who's genre is almost... his own. I couldn't think where it would fit so I did wikipedia search. It said that it's "Downtempo / TripHop / Chillout" which only confused me further. Anyway, i fully encourage you to get the album 'Days to Come' or his most recent release which is just as beautiful and masterful as the rest 'Black Sands'. But enough of me, here is the song.
Bonobo - Recurring
This second song is one from a classic artist that I've only just got into lately. This song came up whilst on shuffle and I have to say it's one of my favorites if not the one favorite.
Paul Simon - Kodachrome
This third one just has an ingenious intro and it's horrendously funky and awesome in so many ways.
Logo - Hello.jpg
This third one is just, well, to be honest, it's awful. Yet there are so many things about this song that I love. I love that it sound like she's saying "My name is toenail" at the beginning. I love how bad she is at lip syncing, but most of all I love how she brings to the table the worry that everyone has, even me, of being a crappy housewife.
Tonje Langeteig - I Don't Wanna Be A Crappy Housewife
Thursday, 14 July 2011
One of One, Not of Many... Part II/The Human Condition... Part II
Alas, we meet again. I left you last week with an issue of being stereotyped or stereotyping. I also left you two days ago with one of our species' many 'conditions'; faults which continuously set us back in our disjointed struggle to become better beings. I realized that this issue of stereotyping is yet another of our infinite problems, hence, here we are, with a double 'Part II' if that makes sense. Anyway, much of this post will seem stupid and random if you don't read the last post again or even for the first time. That last post 'One of ONe, Not of Mant... Part I' can be found here.
So, assuming you've read the last post, here is the other situation in which stereotypes and categorizing become treacherous territory.
A couple of weeks ago or so, I heard a story of a guy, a gay guy as it would happen, who's mother had been talking with some of his friends, it went a little like this;
Friend(s): "My son is so difficult at the moment, he hardly talks to me and he rarely remembers my birthday or mothers' day, and sometimes even Christmas"
Mum: "My son's usually very good with that sort of stuff"
Friend(s): "Yes, but that's because he's gay"
Now, this (as far as I know) hasn't happened to my mother or brother or anything like that. But on countless occasions this sort fo thing has happened directly to me. People responding with perfectly well-meant lines such as "Yeah, but that's because you're gay". Now I usually go quite a long way in terms of tolerating people who say these sorts of things. Mainly because some of these people are actually close friends, (That's also perhaps why I'm abroad whilst this is being published). Now, It's fine, I can deal with it, I'm not gonna go into full on 'pissed' mode (and by that I mean angry not drunk, well maybe both), but I feel it's important that people understand that nothing I say, do or like that I say do or like because I'm gay - outside of being attracted to men that is. I am everything I am because I'm Angus* not because I'm gay. I like Battlestar Galactica and Ugly Betty because I'm Angus. I like Madonna and the Scissor Sisters because I'm Angus. I like dancing and Chicago: The Musical because I'm Angus. Believe it or not homosexuals do not receive a manual on 'The Gay Code' at birth. We choose what we like because that's what we like, not because we're gay. Anyway, I won't scream down your ear any longer.
*yes that's my name, if you didn't know already, Angus James, which is the AJ thing that I've got going on. Also, Angus in scottish gaelic (an gus) means one choice.
So, assuming you've read the last post, here is the other situation in which stereotypes and categorizing become treacherous territory.
A couple of weeks ago or so, I heard a story of a guy, a gay guy as it would happen, who's mother had been talking with some of his friends, it went a little like this;
Friend(s): "My son is so difficult at the moment, he hardly talks to me and he rarely remembers my birthday or mothers' day, and sometimes even Christmas"
Mum: "My son's usually very good with that sort of stuff"
Friend(s): "Yes, but that's because he's gay"
Now, this (as far as I know) hasn't happened to my mother or brother or anything like that. But on countless occasions this sort fo thing has happened directly to me. People responding with perfectly well-meant lines such as "Yeah, but that's because you're gay". Now I usually go quite a long way in terms of tolerating people who say these sorts of things. Mainly because some of these people are actually close friends, (That's also perhaps why I'm abroad whilst this is being published). Now, It's fine, I can deal with it, I'm not gonna go into full on 'pissed' mode (and by that I mean angry not drunk, well maybe both), but I feel it's important that people understand that nothing I say, do or like that I say do or like because I'm gay - outside of being attracted to men that is. I am everything I am because I'm Angus* not because I'm gay. I like Battlestar Galactica and Ugly Betty because I'm Angus. I like Madonna and the Scissor Sisters because I'm Angus. I like dancing and Chicago: The Musical because I'm Angus. Believe it or not homosexuals do not receive a manual on 'The Gay Code' at birth. We choose what we like because that's what we like, not because we're gay. Anyway, I won't scream down your ear any longer.
*yes that's my name, if you didn't know already, Angus James, which is the AJ thing that I've got going on. Also, Angus in scottish gaelic (an gus) means one choice.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
The Human Condition Part I...
So over the past few years there's been a story sort of just buzzing in the peripheral of the newspapers and on late-night documentaries etc. This story is the (hopefully not) inevitable exploitation of the Arctic regions to attain oil and other valuable substances such as materials that could be used in computers and phones and so forth. The reason it makes the news is not only due to the environmental impacts of drilling in such a fragile environment but also the increasing debate over who actually owns the Arctic, which parts belong to who and so forth. Those who are currently slicing up the oil rich pie as of now are Canada, Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the USA. These eight countries make up the 'Arctic Council', deciding what land goes to who and all that sort of business. What saddens me about this story is the near desperation to gain these regions purely with a view to extract oil. People worry that this 'cold rush' as it's being called will prompt a new "arms" race, as the eight countries fight it out behind each-others' backs in order to get a slice of the pie. On one hand many officials are insisting the Arctic is and area of 'low tension' rather than dispute, whereas on the other hand Russian citizens make claims such as "We must prove that the north pole is an extension of the Russian land mass" and with Norway alarmingly increasing their purchases or military hardware.
What I found most alarming about this story is that it entirely confirms that we humans genuinely have know idea whatsoever what is good for us, and if we do, well, then we choose to ignore it. All of the countries involved in the dispute consistently advertise themselves as 'green countries' or in other cases 'making the move towards a "greener future"' - but It's difficult to believe when they spend so much money and time on securing as many oil fields as possible, no matter the cost. What's more disturbing is their reason to begin exploiting the Arctic is that "global warming makes extraction more easy".
I'll give you a second to digest that... Absolute idiots.
This is why I've named this post 'The Human Condition' - It's almost like we're willing to sever articles of our body as long as we continue to bleed gold. Then finally when we get to a point when we're left with no arms or legs, we realize it was probably best to keep all our limbs and do without the gold, since we can't actually wear rings when we have no fingers. That analogy was... shaky at best - but just roll with it (pun intended).
Anyway, please leave your thoughts below, and if you have a yearning to spit in my general direction, leave those thoughts as well - I print them all out and put them next to my staler pictures of you :)
Sidenote- So I renamed the post from 'The Human Condition...' to 'The Human Condition Part I...' because I realized there's probably a fair few more 'human conditions' that may or may not be up for discussion later on - leave your thoughts on what you think's wrong with us in the comments below.
What I found most alarming about this story is that it entirely confirms that we humans genuinely have know idea whatsoever what is good for us, and if we do, well, then we choose to ignore it. All of the countries involved in the dispute consistently advertise themselves as 'green countries' or in other cases 'making the move towards a "greener future"' - but It's difficult to believe when they spend so much money and time on securing as many oil fields as possible, no matter the cost. What's more disturbing is their reason to begin exploiting the Arctic is that "global warming makes extraction more easy".
I'll give you a second to digest that... Absolute idiots.
This is why I've named this post 'The Human Condition' - It's almost like we're willing to sever articles of our body as long as we continue to bleed gold. Then finally when we get to a point when we're left with no arms or legs, we realize it was probably best to keep all our limbs and do without the gold, since we can't actually wear rings when we have no fingers. That analogy was... shaky at best - but just roll with it (pun intended).
Anyway, please leave your thoughts below, and if you have a yearning to spit in my general direction, leave those thoughts as well - I print them all out and put them next to my staler pictures of you :)
Sidenote- So I renamed the post from 'The Human Condition...' to 'The Human Condition Part I...' because I realized there's probably a fair few more 'human conditions' that may or may not be up for discussion later on - leave your thoughts on what you think's wrong with us in the comments below.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Friday Jams #2
Ok, we're back for another Friday Jam.
Today's featured track is one by someone i found a few months ago who recently was brought back to my attention after seeing a live performance on TV. Her name is Janelle Monáe and her album "The Archandroid" is quite frankly, genius. The first song I will show you is one of her well known songs.
Janelle Monáe - Faster
I would highly recommend buying it and listening to it all the way through in one go if you can find the time, with no distractions. The lady herself said "I do believe that when the listener listens to suites II & III combined, they will be transformed, but you have to listen to it from the beginning to the end or it will not work for you and you will have cheated yourself". It's very difficult to pick out one song from the alum to showcase her because it's so wonderfully composed. Therefore, I'm devoting three of four slots to her today - and if you're wondering where Suite I is, it's on a sort of EP thing called 'Metropolis - The Chase Suite' which is also divine.
This second one is a more chilled song on the ArchAndroid album showing just how versatile she is and how incredibly diverse yet 'together' this album is.
Janelle Monáe - 57821
This last Janelle Monáe is my favorite song on the album and I can't quite describe it so just have a listen
Janelle Monáe - BaBopByeYa
The last song on this Friday Jams is a bit of cheeky pop, I literally adored her as a child and I can't stop loving this music video and the album is just divine pop music.
Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
Fuck you - Fuck You - Fuck you - You're cool! Fuck you - I'm out.
Today's featured track is one by someone i found a few months ago who recently was brought back to my attention after seeing a live performance on TV. Her name is Janelle Monáe and her album "The Archandroid" is quite frankly, genius. The first song I will show you is one of her well known songs.
Janelle Monáe - Faster
I would highly recommend buying it and listening to it all the way through in one go if you can find the time, with no distractions. The lady herself said "I do believe that when the listener listens to suites II & III combined, they will be transformed, but you have to listen to it from the beginning to the end or it will not work for you and you will have cheated yourself". It's very difficult to pick out one song from the alum to showcase her because it's so wonderfully composed. Therefore, I'm devoting three of four slots to her today - and if you're wondering where Suite I is, it's on a sort of EP thing called 'Metropolis - The Chase Suite' which is also divine.
This second one is a more chilled song on the ArchAndroid album showing just how versatile she is and how incredibly diverse yet 'together' this album is.
Janelle Monáe - 57821
This last Janelle Monáe is my favorite song on the album and I can't quite describe it so just have a listen
Janelle Monáe - BaBopByeYa
The last song on this Friday Jams is a bit of cheeky pop, I literally adored her as a child and I can't stop loving this music video and the album is just divine pop music.
Britney Spears - I Wanna Go
Fuck you - Fuck You - Fuck you - You're cool! Fuck you - I'm out.
So Damn Restless...
I'm not ashamed of my past - just very willing to change, maybe eager. But that's just who I am. Basically this is just a post to say I'm once again changing the design - 'cause I'm a difficult bastard. However, once again, I'm determined to preserve a little of the past. The blog post all about that is here. And this blog's very own 'photostream' on Flickr is here.
Sidenote- I would have made a larger post today but there's a Friday Jams coming tomorrow and I'm busy righting an olio of awesome posts for you that will be published by my robot-butler whilst I'm on holiday.
Sidenote- I would have made a larger post today but there's a Friday Jams coming tomorrow and I'm busy righting an olio of awesome posts for you that will be published by my robot-butler whilst I'm on holiday.
I guess on this one you don't have to leave comments because there's not much to comment on. However, don't hesitate to leave hatred below, that's always welcome! Anyway until next time, keep well and that...
Thursday, 7 July 2011
One of One, Not of Many... Part I
So I really don't know how to begin this post. Usually I would start with a story of a past event then analyze what was right or wrong about that event - or I'd look at aspects of my life, and the lives of others around me and try to figure out what the hell any of it means and leads to. However, today, although with a topic in mind, I cannot start with a story really. This is because it's something that reoccurs. I am literally unable to recall the specific dialogue and interactions of the last example of this 'thing' that I want to talk about due to the overwhelming amount of times it's happened and no doubt will happen in the future. What I want to talk about is stereotyping and categorizing.
For the most part, categorizing is an incredible ability that we humans possess - it allows us to make life just a little bit more easy to manage, and it works great with items and places and events. But when it comes to people, the art of categorizing becomes infinitely less accurate, and corrodes an individuals ability to see people as individuals, rather than part of a category or stereotype. When you meet someone for the first time, they will probably be trying to 'figure you out' - what you're like, what you like, how popular you are, how successful you are and so on. That's fine, it's something our minds cannot avoid doing and it allows us to build an idea of how compatible you are as a friend or more with the person you're conversing with. This analysis becomes weak and inaccurate when we begin to try and fit them into stereotypes. This is because before you've even found out a lot about this person, you've predicted and sometimes confirmed in your head 'who' this person is. You can be almost certain that the person you are talking with does not fit the stereotype. Please don't do this, the amount of times people have said to me "oh, I just assumed because you're *insert category*" or "Oh so that's why you *insert stereotypical characteristic".
Another situation in which stereotypes and categories become dangerous will be explained in Part II, I felt it was all too much for just one post.
Sidenote- this is the bit where I talk about stuff, but there's no stuff to be talked about. So enjoy this video of a dove ruining a cat-nap instead.
Please comment and stuff, I like to hear your thoughts, and make sure you put them below so everyone else can hear them too! And if you don't have a google account - get one, they're rather useful.
For the most part, categorizing is an incredible ability that we humans possess - it allows us to make life just a little bit more easy to manage, and it works great with items and places and events. But when it comes to people, the art of categorizing becomes infinitely less accurate, and corrodes an individuals ability to see people as individuals, rather than part of a category or stereotype. When you meet someone for the first time, they will probably be trying to 'figure you out' - what you're like, what you like, how popular you are, how successful you are and so on. That's fine, it's something our minds cannot avoid doing and it allows us to build an idea of how compatible you are as a friend or more with the person you're conversing with. This analysis becomes weak and inaccurate when we begin to try and fit them into stereotypes. This is because before you've even found out a lot about this person, you've predicted and sometimes confirmed in your head 'who' this person is. You can be almost certain that the person you are talking with does not fit the stereotype. Please don't do this, the amount of times people have said to me "oh, I just assumed because you're *insert category*" or "Oh so that's why you *insert stereotypical characteristic".
Another situation in which stereotypes and categories become dangerous will be explained in Part II, I felt it was all too much for just one post.
Sidenote- this is the bit where I talk about stuff, but there's no stuff to be talked about. So enjoy this video of a dove ruining a cat-nap instead.
Please comment and stuff, I like to hear your thoughts, and make sure you put them below so everyone else can hear them too! And if you don't have a google account - get one, they're rather useful.
Monday, 4 July 2011
Promises Made, Not Fulfilled...
Well, here we are. Coming back and writing these posts is beginning to feel a lot like talking to a friend you haven't seen in a while; awkward and guilty. However, I'm not the only one who's been missing deadlines, and breaking promises. Although not by missing deadlines for writing on their blog, or forgetting to pay back your friend. We're talking bigger things here. Emotions. Breaking promises here and there is never a good habit to get into but nevertheless most of the time that unfulfilled promise does not cause much grief. For example, me failing to update my blog over the past few days is not admirable, but has only caused a few sighs from disappointed readers. When it comes to emotions, you don't break promises. Perhaps one of the best ways to cover your ass on this one is to never make promises when it comes to matters of the heart, therefore never breaking them. However one must remember that there are some fiendish creatures who walk amongst us who, it would seem, make 'promises', with full intent to break them, using them only as a temporary measure to get what they want. As luck would have it, I have had the pleasure of encountering one of these beasts in the past few months. One could say that he 'talked the talk but never walked the walk'. We'll call him... B1. So, B1 here has made various promises, promises for the future and the present, few of which have been fulfilled. Plans, dreams, dates and everything in between, he's promised. It gets him what he wants when he makes them (my attention... I'd assume) but increasingly fails to deliver. What is more frustrating is that he has actually delivered some of what he's promised. Annoyingly, it's just the right amount to keep me hanging on. To keep me interested and have faith, and it's worked.
Now see, am I over-thinking this? Am I being a paranoid bitch? I'd like to think not but one can never know. When someone isn't meeting promises but is simply to nice and apologetic of his mistakes and shortcomings to leave, is it that he is genuinely sorry, or is it just me, sitting with my eyes to clouded with admiration to be able to believe anything other than what he tells me. Then when I start to think 'hey, maybe he doesn't intend to do any of this' - is that me being sensible or insane? It's a complete fucking mess. The biggest problem with this whole situation is my inability to let go. I know, that no matter how much I get fucked over, I'll continue to hang on with whatever it takes until I get hurt. It's like I'm standing on top of a building and there's someone at the bottom ready to catch me, and I know I'm gonna jump, all I can do is hope. Hope that that person at the bottom does catch me. Either that or I'm pavement jam. The stakes are high. Fingers crossed.
Sidenote- I'm going abroad next week so I'll try and schedule some posts if I don't have internet, and posts will be more regular... I promise.
Now see, am I over-thinking this? Am I being a paranoid bitch? I'd like to think not but one can never know. When someone isn't meeting promises but is simply to nice and apologetic of his mistakes and shortcomings to leave, is it that he is genuinely sorry, or is it just me, sitting with my eyes to clouded with admiration to be able to believe anything other than what he tells me. Then when I start to think 'hey, maybe he doesn't intend to do any of this' - is that me being sensible or insane? It's a complete fucking mess. The biggest problem with this whole situation is my inability to let go. I know, that no matter how much I get fucked over, I'll continue to hang on with whatever it takes until I get hurt. It's like I'm standing on top of a building and there's someone at the bottom ready to catch me, and I know I'm gonna jump, all I can do is hope. Hope that that person at the bottom does catch me. Either that or I'm pavement jam. The stakes are high. Fingers crossed.
Sidenote- I'm going abroad next week so I'll try and schedule some posts if I don't have internet, and posts will be more regular... I promise.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Friday Jams #1
Welcome! To the first of hopefully many 'Friday Jams' - today, we'll be jamming with Bloc Party (not in a literal sense sadly).
The song is Mercury and you can click the link just below to have a listen, try to ignore the creepy video, or embrace it if you want.
Bloc Party - Mercury
Listened? Well, the lyrics are quite frankly beyond me. Completely insane, makes no sense to me whatsoever... "Your maid's in L.A and she's not returning" - What does that meeaaaannn!!???
Anyway, that's not the point, what i did manage to find out was that 'Mercury in retrograde' is a thing that occurs three times a year and it's where the planet Mercury appears to 'rotate backwards from earth' - in astrology it refers to a time when we direct our thoughts inward and have difficulty expressing our thoughts outward - so I guess it makes sense that a lot of this song doesn't make sense because he's having difficulty expressing his thoughts outward - if that makes sense.
But I digress, it's a hot ass jam and you need to check it out, below are three more hot ass jams because I'm so generous like that :) ENJOY!
This is a remix of "Bloc Party - Mercury" and is just as awesome.
Bloc Party - Mercury (Hervé Is In Disarray Remix)
This next one is a nice pumping dance track, maybe nice isn't the word, but good all the same.
Roísin Murphy - Momma's Place
The last one is an awesome track from Metronomy's new album - just brilliantly composed also love the video, so chic and weird and just awesome!
Metronomy - The Bay
Sidenote- hope you enjoyed that! Recommendations are welcome!
The song is Mercury and you can click the link just below to have a listen, try to ignore the creepy video, or embrace it if you want.
Bloc Party - Mercury
Listened? Well, the lyrics are quite frankly beyond me. Completely insane, makes no sense to me whatsoever... "Your maid's in L.A and she's not returning" - What does that meeaaaannn!!???
Anyway, that's not the point, what i did manage to find out was that 'Mercury in retrograde' is a thing that occurs three times a year and it's where the planet Mercury appears to 'rotate backwards from earth' - in astrology it refers to a time when we direct our thoughts inward and have difficulty expressing our thoughts outward - so I guess it makes sense that a lot of this song doesn't make sense because he's having difficulty expressing his thoughts outward - if that makes sense.
But I digress, it's a hot ass jam and you need to check it out, below are three more hot ass jams because I'm so generous like that :) ENJOY!
This is a remix of "Bloc Party - Mercury" and is just as awesome.
Bloc Party - Mercury (Hervé Is In Disarray Remix)
This next one is a nice pumping dance track, maybe nice isn't the word, but good all the same.
Roísin Murphy - Momma's Place
The last one is an awesome track from Metronomy's new album - just brilliantly composed also love the video, so chic and weird and just awesome!
Metronomy - The Bay
Sidenote- hope you enjoyed that! Recommendations are welcome!
Thursday, 23 June 2011
12 Minutes...
AHHHH! It's 23:48 on a Thursday and I still haven't posted - Two choices;
1) Write a post in 12 minutes
2) Post tomorrow and fail you
However, in honor of having watched Green Lantern today I'm going to act like a hero and write an entire meaningful blog post in 12 minutes (technically 10 minutes now).
Ok so, thinking of an idea real quick here....
The idea of having no fear is one explored in the (quite) popular comic series 'Green Lantern' which I (being a bit of a Geek [to be discussed later]). At this point I would quite like to disagree with the idea that having no fear is a good thing, but being loyal to my love for Green Lantern, I'm going to say (fearlessly) that having no fear is something that should be cherished, enjoyed and sought after.
Drawing on the idea from the last post about freedom - it is possible that it is not irresponsibility that frees us, but in fact is one's capability to be fearless. Or are the two ideas [irresponsibility and fearlessness] one and the same? NO. Would be my quick decisive answer to that, mostly due to the fact that sometime one has to be fearless to take on a responsibility - once again; Responsibilities FTW.
4 Minutes remaining! Ahhh!
Yes, so anyway, it is in my belief very important to be fearless, it frees you in that the possibilities of what you can and can't do become endless - for example, overcoming your fear of the dark may mean a whole new hobby in Spelunking arises! (look it up, it's an awesome word - but I've never done it)
Once again at the same time, maybe at times it's important to be with fear? IN order to know when you're going to far... You shouldn't have to make everyone else sacred for you because you aren't scared. This once again draws back to the idea of responsibility and freedom. You being free costs the freedom of others. So once again it's important to work with this universal law that is beginning to become more and more apparent, that everything you do has consequences and will cost you or those around you in one way or another. Anyway that concludes the actual post at 23:59 :)
COMPLETE! - That was horrendous. But impressive, and probably a nice bite-size chunk for your Friday reading material
The 'Query of the Week' is taken from a blog called 'Break The Illusion', the writer commonly known as 'Davey Wavey' writes;
"The thing about drama is that it takes a lot of energy to sustain, and it requires doing things, reacting or holding perspectives in a way that results in resistance. In other words, drama doesn’t happen to us; we create it through our participation. Our actions, reactions and thoughts are now – and always have been – our choices."
Other than as a performance art (i.e. In real life) do we think drama that Davy talks about here is a negative thing? Or does it make the world go round, could we survive without it?
Sidenote- Yes, it's that time of the post again, where you can enjoy me saying random stuff which consistently annoys you because I'm always adding stuff and sounding like an idiot. Well, guess what? It's more of the same! I'll be adding a new section to the blog. In honor of Rebecca Black's musical masterpiece 'Friday', Fridays are now devoted entirely to music; what I like, what I don't like, lyrics, memories, melodies and beats. I figured this would be a good idea because these posts will be considerably smaller hence easier for me to do on a busy busy Friday, and easier for you to read. If you get round to reading it at all (please do).
Remember to leave carnivorous comments and hacking hate-mail down below, and if you don't have a google account, make one, they're awesome and it means you can comment - GET INVOLVED! We're having fun here, you should join in!
1) Write a post in 12 minutes
2) Post tomorrow and fail you
However, in honor of having watched Green Lantern today I'm going to act like a hero and write an entire meaningful blog post in 12 minutes (technically 10 minutes now).
Ok so, thinking of an idea real quick here....
The idea of having no fear is one explored in the (quite) popular comic series 'Green Lantern' which I (being a bit of a Geek [to be discussed later]). At this point I would quite like to disagree with the idea that having no fear is a good thing, but being loyal to my love for Green Lantern, I'm going to say (fearlessly) that having no fear is something that should be cherished, enjoyed and sought after.
Drawing on the idea from the last post about freedom - it is possible that it is not irresponsibility that frees us, but in fact is one's capability to be fearless. Or are the two ideas [irresponsibility and fearlessness] one and the same? NO. Would be my quick decisive answer to that, mostly due to the fact that sometime one has to be fearless to take on a responsibility - once again; Responsibilities FTW.
4 Minutes remaining! Ahhh!
Yes, so anyway, it is in my belief very important to be fearless, it frees you in that the possibilities of what you can and can't do become endless - for example, overcoming your fear of the dark may mean a whole new hobby in Spelunking arises! (look it up, it's an awesome word - but I've never done it)
Once again at the same time, maybe at times it's important to be with fear? IN order to know when you're going to far... You shouldn't have to make everyone else sacred for you because you aren't scared. This once again draws back to the idea of responsibility and freedom. You being free costs the freedom of others. So once again it's important to work with this universal law that is beginning to become more and more apparent, that everything you do has consequences and will cost you or those around you in one way or another. Anyway that concludes the actual post at 23:59 :)
COMPLETE! - That was horrendous. But impressive, and probably a nice bite-size chunk for your Friday reading material
The 'Query of the Week' is taken from a blog called 'Break The Illusion', the writer commonly known as 'Davey Wavey' writes;
"The thing about drama is that it takes a lot of energy to sustain, and it requires doing things, reacting or holding perspectives in a way that results in resistance. In other words, drama doesn’t happen to us; we create it through our participation. Our actions, reactions and thoughts are now – and always have been – our choices."
Other than as a performance art (i.e. In real life) do we think drama that Davy talks about here is a negative thing? Or does it make the world go round, could we survive without it?
Sidenote- Yes, it's that time of the post again, where you can enjoy me saying random stuff which consistently annoys you because I'm always adding stuff and sounding like an idiot. Well, guess what? It's more of the same! I'll be adding a new section to the blog. In honor of Rebecca Black's musical masterpiece 'Friday', Fridays are now devoted entirely to music; what I like, what I don't like, lyrics, memories, melodies and beats. I figured this would be a good idea because these posts will be considerably smaller hence easier for me to do on a busy busy Friday, and easier for you to read. If you get round to reading it at all (please do).
Remember to leave carnivorous comments and hacking hate-mail down below, and if you don't have a google account, make one, they're awesome and it means you can comment - GET INVOLVED! We're having fun here, you should join in!
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
I Hate That You're Reading This...
It's true; I hate that you're reading this. And by 'you' I mean YOU. You being me in the future, or anyone else bored enough to still be reading at this point. The reason for this, is because you are now ultimately my responsibility (in the loosest sense... also, is that how you spell 'loosest', there's no squiggly red line so I hope so, do correct me if I'm wrong). But yes, back to the point, I have a responsibility to account my thoughts at a particular time using the medium of this website, for your entertainment, and over the past week, I have failed miserably - I'm quite sure I made a promise to be posting at least once every two days, but let's be realistic here, I'm a disorganized bastard, so you will have to put up with these tremendous pauses.
Anyway, the reason I talk of responsibilities is because it is often disputed over whether they're a bad thing or not. One would suppose that having no responsibilities at all would be a good thing, complete freedom is something often viewed as a good thing, but in achieving having no responsibilities you would have given up a lot, therefore, surely with responsibilities comes rewards, right? Furthermore, in having no responsibility, you begin to hurt those around you - I think? (NB - When I put a question mark, it basically means I'm intensely confused and desperately clawing my way back to some sort of structure, do help me answer these difficult questions).
Right. Okay. I'm going to start making statements here. I believe responsibility is a good thing. Despite how difficult they are they bear rewards, and even if they aren't physical or obviously emotional, there will always be self-respect that comes with bearing a responsibility. Now, as I babble on, I am slowly becoming more passionate about this, and quite frankly, right now at this very moment at 20:58 on a Wednesday 22nd June, 2011, I would slap anyone who doesn't believe that responsibility is a good thing with a wet salmon. This is because by not taking responsibility whether it be for your actions or for someone else's, you're actively ignoring the prospect of making life just a little more easy and rewarding for yourself and/or others in the future. It is quite frankly, Irresponsible. And once again, at this moment in time 21:03 (yes It takes me a long time to think), I believe that it's possible that being "Irresponsible" is the worst quality (or at least one of the worst) that a person can have. These irresponsible scoundrel hipsters would probably say that 'irresponsibility' is just another word for freedom and therefore happiness, and just allow me to take a small tangent here. With the risk of sounding like a 1984 propaganda poster Freedom ≠ Happiness. Yeah, sure, you can say 'That's what the government want you to think' but to be quite honest, it's completely true. Your complete freedom will and always has cost the complete freedom of others. Surely it's better to not get selfish, and just settle for being 'slightly free'. Just keep a small amount of responsibility to keep yourself and others in the (relatively clear) clear. We should aim to not become the person that applies to a quote i can't remember right now. Give me a minute I'll google it;
"Most of us can read the writing on the wall;
we just assume it's addressed to somebody else" - Ivern Ball
So yes, I'll leave you with that.
Sidenote - Now today was meant to be "Query of the Week" day, but no-one commented on the last one - thanks. It feels like I've just made sandwiches for everyone but now no-one's hungry. (It doesn't feel like that at all, because there's nothing to eat). What we'll do instead is move the Query to tomorrow, and abandon the last question. So, tomorrow in the post I'll ask something and then you have a whole week to comment. Please do, it would make my eyes very happy (they're feeling a little blue at the moment - puns FTW)
Thus, please do leave you're tenacious text tipples and randy rants below.
Anyway, the reason I talk of responsibilities is because it is often disputed over whether they're a bad thing or not. One would suppose that having no responsibilities at all would be a good thing, complete freedom is something often viewed as a good thing, but in achieving having no responsibilities you would have given up a lot, therefore, surely with responsibilities comes rewards, right? Furthermore, in having no responsibility, you begin to hurt those around you - I think? (NB - When I put a question mark, it basically means I'm intensely confused and desperately clawing my way back to some sort of structure, do help me answer these difficult questions).
Right. Okay. I'm going to start making statements here. I believe responsibility is a good thing. Despite how difficult they are they bear rewards, and even if they aren't physical or obviously emotional, there will always be self-respect that comes with bearing a responsibility. Now, as I babble on, I am slowly becoming more passionate about this, and quite frankly, right now at this very moment at 20:58 on a Wednesday 22nd June, 2011, I would slap anyone who doesn't believe that responsibility is a good thing with a wet salmon. This is because by not taking responsibility whether it be for your actions or for someone else's, you're actively ignoring the prospect of making life just a little more easy and rewarding for yourself and/or others in the future. It is quite frankly, Irresponsible. And once again, at this moment in time 21:03 (yes It takes me a long time to think), I believe that it's possible that being "Irresponsible" is the worst quality (or at least one of the worst) that a person can have. These irresponsible scoundrel hipsters would probably say that 'irresponsibility' is just another word for freedom and therefore happiness, and just allow me to take a small tangent here. With the risk of sounding like a 1984 propaganda poster Freedom ≠ Happiness. Yeah, sure, you can say 'That's what the government want you to think' but to be quite honest, it's completely true. Your complete freedom will and always has cost the complete freedom of others. Surely it's better to not get selfish, and just settle for being 'slightly free'. Just keep a small amount of responsibility to keep yourself and others in the (relatively clear) clear. We should aim to not become the person that applies to a quote i can't remember right now. Give me a minute I'll google it;
"Most of us can read the writing on the wall;
we just assume it's addressed to somebody else" - Ivern Ball
So yes, I'll leave you with that.
Sidenote - Now today was meant to be "Query of the Week" day, but no-one commented on the last one - thanks. It feels like I've just made sandwiches for everyone but now no-one's hungry. (It doesn't feel like that at all, because there's nothing to eat). What we'll do instead is move the Query to tomorrow, and abandon the last question. So, tomorrow in the post I'll ask something and then you have a whole week to comment. Please do, it would make my eyes very happy (they're feeling a little blue at the moment - puns FTW)
Thus, please do leave you're tenacious text tipples and randy rants below.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Recycle Me...
In a world full of free-thinking human beings and a history packed with philosophers, artists, actors, writers, musicians and so on, It is infinitely difficult to be 'original' - in essence, not even the first writers, philosophers, musicians etc. were original, they took what they did from the world they grew up in, from the nature around them, from their family, from their friends. Using this reasoning it becomes a futile effort to criticize anyone for 'not being original' - after all, all they've done is taken what they know, what they're surrounded by, and what inspires them to make something new. If you're not following me here, think of it this way; when someone remixes a song, or redesigns an item of clothing - they do this to one of two ends:
1) Make it better
2)Presenting it differently
Neither one of these motives can or should be criticized - it is possibly one of Humans' greatest qualities - their ability to rethink, to look back or around them and say "Hey, I could do something with that". No one should have to be judged for being 'unoriginal' - as by saying someone is not original, you're basically saying to them, you've taken something, and you've evolved it in a way that suits you - which as far as I'm concerned, it's a compliment.
Anyway, before I leave you, I'll leave you with this quote:
"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery. celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: 'It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.' " - Jim Jarmusch
Sidenote: So, despite my horrendous lack of followers - I do still have about a quarter dozen people who are sort of regular readers, so, because sometimes I get a little dry on inspiration, I want to make sure I post at least once a week (on a very very very bad week) - I figured the best way to do this is to ask a 'Query Of The Week'. Therefore, I've decided to do this on a Wednesday (aka Queryday)
QUERY OF THE WEEK: "Being Promiscuous - How far is too far?"
Leave you're catty-comments and raging responses as well as your infinite wisdom on the 'Query of The Week' in the comment section below.
1) Make it better
2)Presenting it differently
Neither one of these motives can or should be criticized - it is possibly one of Humans' greatest qualities - their ability to rethink, to look back or around them and say "Hey, I could do something with that". No one should have to be judged for being 'unoriginal' - as by saying someone is not original, you're basically saying to them, you've taken something, and you've evolved it in a way that suits you - which as far as I'm concerned, it's a compliment.
Anyway, before I leave you, I'll leave you with this quote:
"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent. And don’t bother concealing your thievery. celebrate it if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: 'It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.' " - Jim Jarmusch
Sidenote: So, despite my horrendous lack of followers - I do still have about a quarter dozen people who are sort of regular readers, so, because sometimes I get a little dry on inspiration, I want to make sure I post at least once a week (on a very very very bad week) - I figured the best way to do this is to ask a 'Query Of The Week'. Therefore, I've decided to do this on a Wednesday (aka Queryday)
QUERY OF THE WEEK: "Being Promiscuous - How far is too far?"
Leave you're catty-comments and raging responses as well as your infinite wisdom on the 'Query of The Week' in the comment section below.
Monday, 13 June 2011
Boats Against The Current...
So here I am, back again, ready for your scoldings; "Where've you been?!", "We nearly called the police!", "Make me a sandwich!" and so forth. Yes, I have been gone, and I refuse to make excuses (As good as they may be). I made a promise at the beginning of this project, and I intend to keep it, shall we call this 'strike one'? Except I get seven strikes, because I’m cheeky.
Anyway, now that I’ve brought myself to the computer I have finally become dramatically inspired by the eclectic mix of images above my desk. Possibly in an effort to procrastinate from writing this; I lean back on my chair and look up through the etherial glowing dust floating between me and the images of the late greats: Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich & Jacqueline de Ribes - mixed with the more modern striking advertisements of Tom Ford, Vivienne Westwood & a picture of Lady Gaga with her nipples out in a “Exploding Plastic Inevitable” dress, from a piece in Vanity Fair. It’s a peculiar and eclectic mix of images spanning from 16th Century drawings to 21st Century modern art. It astounds me every time I look at the wall, how well these things go together, despite the unmeasurable change occurring between the times in which they were created.
Hence, somehow I moved from looking at icons from different ages to the idea of ‘change’. Specifically, the idea of cultural change: The movement in fashion, how people wish to be portrayed and how they are received. We change our selves, all the time, as I have talked about in a previous post. However if we change to fast, we might be seen as ‘weird’, ‘freaks’ and so on and so on. In the same way, if we change to slow, or don’t change at all, we may be seen as boring, conservative or ‘freaky’. I myself try to change a little bit faster than the general population, aka, trying to be fashionable, bohemian and liberal, however, I am not alone. There are countless amounts who are around on the same level of ‘change velocity’ - This is a personal choice. After seeing this in myself, I have continually tried to respect those who change at a different rate, or don’t change at all. I’m not going to see ‘change is bad’ or ‘change is inevitable’ - because neither statement is true for everyone. It is important to respect the choices of certain people to stay the same at a certain point in time (i.e. Our elders, some of whom still behave as if it’s the 70s). Because in a way, they represent our past, they serve not only as magnificent human beings, but furthermore as almost artifacts. Little souvenirs of our past; and we should respect them for that. In much the same way, we must respect those who seem crazy, or whacky, or obsessed with the future, because although they do not directly ‘represent the future’ - they do represent that hope for progression in the future.
Therefore, where I have previously despised the idea of ‘static-ness’ and lack of change, I now see that really change is something that is neither good or bad. Whether change is happening or not or never will; we just have to deal with it as it comes, and we have to respect those who think differently.
Sidenote: In homage to this marvelously uncoordinated spiraling failure of a post, attempting to address the issue of ‘change’, I have changed the design of the blog! And, in respect of things staying the same I will leave pictures of the old blog on the blog's very own Flickr Photostream!
I will continue to do this every time I change the blog design, because although it’s important to move forward, it’s also very important to never forget (or at least make an effort). Furthermore, who knows what I may use the photo stream for in the future - cock shots most probably
Also, brownie points for guessing the source of the quote; all in the comments below with your calamitous comments and despicable despite-mail.
Anyway, now that I’ve brought myself to the computer I have finally become dramatically inspired by the eclectic mix of images above my desk. Possibly in an effort to procrastinate from writing this; I lean back on my chair and look up through the etherial glowing dust floating between me and the images of the late greats: Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich & Jacqueline de Ribes - mixed with the more modern striking advertisements of Tom Ford, Vivienne Westwood & a picture of Lady Gaga with her nipples out in a “Exploding Plastic Inevitable” dress, from a piece in Vanity Fair. It’s a peculiar and eclectic mix of images spanning from 16th Century drawings to 21st Century modern art. It astounds me every time I look at the wall, how well these things go together, despite the unmeasurable change occurring between the times in which they were created.
Hence, somehow I moved from looking at icons from different ages to the idea of ‘change’. Specifically, the idea of cultural change: The movement in fashion, how people wish to be portrayed and how they are received. We change our selves, all the time, as I have talked about in a previous post. However if we change to fast, we might be seen as ‘weird’, ‘freaks’ and so on and so on. In the same way, if we change to slow, or don’t change at all, we may be seen as boring, conservative or ‘freaky’. I myself try to change a little bit faster than the general population, aka, trying to be fashionable, bohemian and liberal, however, I am not alone. There are countless amounts who are around on the same level of ‘change velocity’ - This is a personal choice. After seeing this in myself, I have continually tried to respect those who change at a different rate, or don’t change at all. I’m not going to see ‘change is bad’ or ‘change is inevitable’ - because neither statement is true for everyone. It is important to respect the choices of certain people to stay the same at a certain point in time (i.e. Our elders, some of whom still behave as if it’s the 70s). Because in a way, they represent our past, they serve not only as magnificent human beings, but furthermore as almost artifacts. Little souvenirs of our past; and we should respect them for that. In much the same way, we must respect those who seem crazy, or whacky, or obsessed with the future, because although they do not directly ‘represent the future’ - they do represent that hope for progression in the future.
Therefore, where I have previously despised the idea of ‘static-ness’ and lack of change, I now see that really change is something that is neither good or bad. Whether change is happening or not or never will; we just have to deal with it as it comes, and we have to respect those who think differently.
Sidenote: In homage to this marvelously uncoordinated spiraling failure of a post, attempting to address the issue of ‘change’, I have changed the design of the blog! And, in respect of things staying the same I will leave pictures of the old blog on the blog's very own Flickr Photostream!
I will continue to do this every time I change the blog design, because although it’s important to move forward, it’s also very important to never forget (or at least make an effort). Furthermore, who knows what I may use the photo stream for in the future - cock shots most probably
Also, brownie points for guessing the source of the quote; all in the comments below with your calamitous comments and despicable despite-mail.
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
Someday You'll Wash My Car...
So, allow me to take a break from being a bag of fun and just be a preachy motherfucker for a second. Well, I'll try and keep it light, but It ain't easy - furthermore, I'm trying to keep my emotions to a suitable level as not to sound gushy or annoying - y'know, like the "Gingers have souls" guy.
Basically, this is about haters, filthy haters, dirty scummy haters! FUCKING HATERS! Ok ok ok, I'm not that bothered by them, after all, we've all hated before, or even if we haven't, it may have come across that way - what I mean by this, is that we've all at least one of the following without provocation:
- Sneaky Backstabbing
- Nasty Comments
- Shouty Fights
- The Look"
- Blanked Someone
- Sent An Abusive Text/Email/Message/Letter/Unicorn
- Left A Friend In The Shit
so on, so on and so on,
I do not have a big problem with this, I mean obviously It's not nice to be on the receiving end, but you've got to deal with it. We've all done it before and probably will again (and if you haven't, you should be worried because you're probably about to blow up a sheep from all the penned up anger - [sheep / pen - clever huh?]). The thing is, we only do this occasionally, we usually feel bad about it, say sorry or act sorry, and don't do it again to the same person. What I do have a problem with is those who hate consistently without seeming to feel regret or guilty about it - basically, bullying, but I'm not gonna call it that, It sounds stupid, I don't like the word, we'll call it "Huggering" - Like hugging but with -er. Makes no sense, just go with it. Everyone has probably had experience of Huggering (As the protagonist or the victim) at some point in their life, varying in intensity of course, but none the less, we've all got an idea.
I don't and never have had a huge problem, but I guess that's just because I can take 'abuse' per-say, quite well. By the way, If you're here trying to look for a way to deal with Huggerers - stop now. I don't think you really can deal with Huggering directly, as the saying goes; "Haters Gonna Hate". I think the way you 'deal' with Huggering is in how you take it and what you do with it. Personally, I think It's always good to follow the "Loser Like Me" method, internally of course, it's probably best not to fight hate with hate - Despite the fact that showing emotions is a good thing, when that showing of emotions only causes things to get worse, well...
Sidenote: That was just a little tiny weeny blog post for now - more 'meat' on the way, and sorry about the irregularity recently, I'm not gonna make excuses, I'm just going to except that I am a horrible person.
Do remember to leave crafty comments and Huggering hate mail below - It's a two way street.
Basically, this is about haters, filthy haters, dirty scummy haters! FUCKING HATERS! Ok ok ok, I'm not that bothered by them, after all, we've all hated before, or even if we haven't, it may have come across that way - what I mean by this, is that we've all at least one of the following without provocation:
- Sneaky Backstabbing
- Nasty Comments
- Shouty Fights
- The Look"
- Blanked Someone
- Sent An Abusive Text/Email/Message/Letter/Unicorn
- Left A Friend In The Shit
so on, so on and so on,
I do not have a big problem with this, I mean obviously It's not nice to be on the receiving end, but you've got to deal with it. We've all done it before and probably will again (and if you haven't, you should be worried because you're probably about to blow up a sheep from all the penned up anger - [sheep / pen - clever huh?]). The thing is, we only do this occasionally, we usually feel bad about it, say sorry or act sorry, and don't do it again to the same person. What I do have a problem with is those who hate consistently without seeming to feel regret or guilty about it - basically, bullying, but I'm not gonna call it that, It sounds stupid, I don't like the word, we'll call it "Huggering" - Like hugging but with -er. Makes no sense, just go with it. Everyone has probably had experience of Huggering (As the protagonist or the victim) at some point in their life, varying in intensity of course, but none the less, we've all got an idea.
I don't and never have had a huge problem, but I guess that's just because I can take 'abuse' per-say, quite well. By the way, If you're here trying to look for a way to deal with Huggerers - stop now. I don't think you really can deal with Huggering directly, as the saying goes; "Haters Gonna Hate". I think the way you 'deal' with Huggering is in how you take it and what you do with it. Personally, I think It's always good to follow the "Loser Like Me" method, internally of course, it's probably best not to fight hate with hate - Despite the fact that showing emotions is a good thing, when that showing of emotions only causes things to get worse, well...
Sidenote: That was just a little tiny weeny blog post for now - more 'meat' on the way, and sorry about the irregularity recently, I'm not gonna make excuses, I'm just going to except that I am a horrible person.
Do remember to leave crafty comments and Huggering hate mail below - It's a two way street.
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Hey, Look It's Me...
...or is it? Mysterious, no? Wandering around Camden Town a couple of days ago, looking rather fashionable with my ray-bans, sipping a McDonald's strawberry milkshake, walking in a deliberately care-free and confident manner, I wondered to myself - 'Should I project this image of myself, if it's all deliberate, not natural'. On that thought, and coming onto a quiet less crowded Inverness Street, I thought 'What the hell...' and walked naturally. However, as I did so, it still felt as if I was putting it on, I tried to just relax and not concentrate on how I was walking. Upon having passed a street-urinator, a Maplin's store and two attractive males, I gave up - I was concentrating too hard on not concentrating on how I acted. I realized I actually felt more fake than I had when walking in a deliberately fashionable way. I walked on with this rather chilling thought in my head. After ten minutes or so of trying to distract myself from this idea, I sat down by the lock, and embraced it - 'Have I lost myself by acting and walking and being someone else to who I am?'.
It struck a harsh note in what had been a light, cheerful string of notes that day, and it lingered, loud and solemn as before. I searched for myself in my spectacularly messy, wonderful, dark, crazy, fantastical, horny, glittering mind (which is probably far less magnificent than I put out), however, I could not find little me anywhere. Then I thought, what am I actually searching for? If its me as a child, then, I don't think it would be good for me to be like that anymore, everyone has to grow up (even if just a little bit). Then I looked for my early high school years self, then I realized that's definitely not me. That was a mannequin, I dressed up in heterosexuality to distract everyone from the main glittering attraction - me. Then I tried searching for me six months back, but that's more or less me as I am now. I realized I'm not putting anything on - if I am acting in a way deliberately, then surely, that is me. That ability to change the way you walk or dress or act, is surely an inherent part of your personality. You're not 'faking' it - you are it. So fuck it, I'm gonna change the way I walk, I'm gonna swagger and I'm gonna strut if I want to - and if I want to put my silver side up or down to make an impression on someone, that's fine as well. You don't get the entire movie in a trailer, you get bits of it, then you go to the movie to discover, and you can come out with your fully formed opinion. The same goes for people, you can discover more about me after I've impressed or intrigued you with the way I am.
Ugh, I have about a million other things to say, but it would start to sound like I don't have any straight forward grasp on the matter - which in truth I don't, but I've made an attempt, make what you will of it. But I'll stop now before I ramble further
Sidenote: Yes, these 'sidenotes' are going to be a consistent thing, I just can;t think of anything to say in this one other than informing you of it's continuation.
Also... [french interlude - or outro-lude?] n'oubliez pas de laisser vos pensées ici et en plus, si vous me detestez, dites le si'il vous plaît, Je l'aimerais beaucoup (pas sarcasme).
It struck a harsh note in what had been a light, cheerful string of notes that day, and it lingered, loud and solemn as before. I searched for myself in my spectacularly messy, wonderful, dark, crazy, fantastical, horny, glittering mind (which is probably far less magnificent than I put out), however, I could not find little me anywhere. Then I thought, what am I actually searching for? If its me as a child, then, I don't think it would be good for me to be like that anymore, everyone has to grow up (even if just a little bit). Then I looked for my early high school years self, then I realized that's definitely not me. That was a mannequin, I dressed up in heterosexuality to distract everyone from the main glittering attraction - me. Then I tried searching for me six months back, but that's more or less me as I am now. I realized I'm not putting anything on - if I am acting in a way deliberately, then surely, that is me. That ability to change the way you walk or dress or act, is surely an inherent part of your personality. You're not 'faking' it - you are it. So fuck it, I'm gonna change the way I walk, I'm gonna swagger and I'm gonna strut if I want to - and if I want to put my silver side up or down to make an impression on someone, that's fine as well. You don't get the entire movie in a trailer, you get bits of it, then you go to the movie to discover, and you can come out with your fully formed opinion. The same goes for people, you can discover more about me after I've impressed or intrigued you with the way I am.
Ugh, I have about a million other things to say, but it would start to sound like I don't have any straight forward grasp on the matter - which in truth I don't, but I've made an attempt, make what you will of it. But I'll stop now before I ramble further
Sidenote: Yes, these 'sidenotes' are going to be a consistent thing, I just can;t think of anything to say in this one other than informing you of it's continuation.
Also... [french interlude - or outro-lude?] n'oubliez pas de laisser vos pensées ici et en plus, si vous me detestez, dites le si'il vous plaît, Je l'aimerais beaucoup (pas sarcasme).
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Size Matters...
Okay, okay, I said it; “Size Matters” - in response to this, many of the people i know will say “It’s not how big it is, It’s how you use it”, these people are probably those with shall we say “Six and below”. Now, if you haven’t figured out what ‘thing’ I’m talking about, I advise you to leave this blog immediately, and never come back, this is the internet equivalent of a purple-velvet upholstered, smoke filled jazz bar with burlesque on wednesdays and fridays and where the men the girls the boy-girls and girl-boys to ‘come undone’. Or at least that’s what I’d like to think. Anyway, I digress, for me, size matters. I’m often told this makes me shallow and sex-driven: Sex-driven; maybe, but I am certainly not shallow. I do not think that a preference makes anyone shallow, as far as I’m concerned, someone who says that when looking for a sexual partner they like a ‘good personality’, are on a futile quest; but that is just my opinion not my judgement, it is there preference and I will respect that - nevertheless, I insist that all personality seekers, give us aesthetic enthusiasts mutual respect. Don’t get me wrong, If I’m ever going to get into a long-term relationship, (and by long-term I mean more than one night together), I will certainly need a good personality, boring people do not interest me whatsoever. But. in the same breath, I would mention that what will probably be the make-or-break of the relationship is ‘the size’. Why pass time being with someone when you don’t enjoy the sex - if sex is a big part of your life that you enjoy, then your partner should be expected to fulfill that need. If he (or she) can’t, then what’s the point? You spend say 3 to 12 months building up all this sexual frustration until you give in, you cheat and then feel awful. Messy situations such as the one described above is something I wish to avoid. When choosing a long-term partner, I would pass them in levels. One after the other; If you don’t get past level one - game over.
LEVEL 1 - Intimate Ability
LEVEL 2 - Personality
LEVEL 3 - Capability To Socialize
So, although I will make no attempt to persuade, everyone has their own ways, I urge you dear reader, to not judge those who may appear at first to have shallow aesthetic preferences - because behind that, as it does with me, probably lies a complex series of emotional and social preferences as well. As they do say, don’t judge a book by its cover (...although make an effort to have your cover looking lovely).
Sidenote: As I have deprived you of posts for an entire day, I will be posting twice today - so yeah. Also, this episode of london loveliness is coming to a close, I will be returning in the summer for quite some time but there will be much to come over the next week or so in terms of that.
Also, do remember to leave your perfect pondering and cocky complaints below, it would make me happy in my pants - or unhappy, depending on what you leave.
LEVEL 1 - Intimate Ability
LEVEL 2 - Personality
LEVEL 3 - Capability To Socialize
So, although I will make no attempt to persuade, everyone has their own ways, I urge you dear reader, to not judge those who may appear at first to have shallow aesthetic preferences - because behind that, as it does with me, probably lies a complex series of emotional and social preferences as well. As they do say, don’t judge a book by its cover (...although make an effort to have your cover looking lovely).
Sidenote: As I have deprived you of posts for an entire day, I will be posting twice today - so yeah. Also, this episode of london loveliness is coming to a close, I will be returning in the summer for quite some time but there will be much to come over the next week or so in terms of that.
Also, do remember to leave your perfect pondering and cocky complaints below, it would make me happy in my pants - or unhappy, depending on what you leave.
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Don't Read...
Sitting on a train down to London, I am surrounded by signs and contraptions on walls declaring “PENALTY FOR IMPROPER USE”, “FOR USE ONLY IN EMERGENCY” & “DON’T PRESS” - Amidst all this discouragement, I still feel these signs and devices beckoning me towards them, wanting to be set off, because despite the warnings of “DON’T PUSH”, all I can read is “PUSH!”. This brought to my attention the attraction all people have (and i would seem me in particular) to doing exactly what people tell you not to, for the simple reason that, you’ve been told not to. It’s possibly one of the most irrational and idiotic part of human behavior, as for the most part, these warning signs and deterrers are for our own good. This however does not just apply to emergency brakes and fire alarms - it occurred to me that this sort of pattern actually reoccurs consistently through many parts of our lives:
Never minding the gap
Standing on the edge of the platform
Big red buttons causing the horrible nuclear demise of the planet etc...
...and also, with relationships, whether it is at a sexual, platonic or emotional level. As we roll like balls of blu-tac through the messy office floor of life, we pick up dust and occasionally stick to other blu-tac (this analogy isn’t relevant, but it’s a great visual image). Sometimes the other blu-tacs we stick to (like friends, lovers, family...) become part of us, and make us bigger, stronger, and more adhesive; they also however, bring there own dust, into your ‘blu’ ball of life. However, when we see (...blu-tacs have eyes by the way) other blu-tacs, rolling on the floor, that are covered in more dust than we should or are capable of taking on, whether that dust be the emotional swings of a friends or the chlamydia riddled genitalia of a sexual-partner, most people, continue to take that risk, hoping that joining with such a blu-tac, will somehow prove beneficial. Sometimes it does, leaving you to roll in piece avoiding discarded staples and other such stationary, nevertheless, sometimes it isn’t beneficial, you stop rolling and everything stands still until some other bastard rear ends you (take it either way you want) pushing you off again. What we will always gain from these situations, is experience, whether that be experience in life, work, the bed, anything, it doesn’t matter, it’s experience, and that is why we will always ignore the warning signs in society and take risks. Never underestimate the value of experience, that’s why all the emotional baggage, all the heart-ache, all the fall-outs, they’re worth it in the end because they’ll always be the good memories if it does truly end, and on top of that, you have experience. Something you can’t learn in a class room.
I am writing this on the train but the wi-fi isn’t working, so you’re probably reading this in the evening at the earliest because I’m stuck in an office all day - fun.
Do remember to leave ranty comments and hate mail below, it eats time, omnomnom.
Never minding the gap
Standing on the edge of the platform
Big red buttons causing the horrible nuclear demise of the planet etc...
...and also, with relationships, whether it is at a sexual, platonic or emotional level. As we roll like balls of blu-tac through the messy office floor of life, we pick up dust and occasionally stick to other blu-tac (this analogy isn’t relevant, but it’s a great visual image). Sometimes the other blu-tacs we stick to (like friends, lovers, family...) become part of us, and make us bigger, stronger, and more adhesive; they also however, bring there own dust, into your ‘blu’ ball of life. However, when we see (...blu-tacs have eyes by the way) other blu-tacs, rolling on the floor, that are covered in more dust than we should or are capable of taking on, whether that dust be the emotional swings of a friends or the chlamydia riddled genitalia of a sexual-partner, most people, continue to take that risk, hoping that joining with such a blu-tac, will somehow prove beneficial. Sometimes it does, leaving you to roll in piece avoiding discarded staples and other such stationary, nevertheless, sometimes it isn’t beneficial, you stop rolling and everything stands still until some other bastard rear ends you (take it either way you want) pushing you off again. What we will always gain from these situations, is experience, whether that be experience in life, work, the bed, anything, it doesn’t matter, it’s experience, and that is why we will always ignore the warning signs in society and take risks. Never underestimate the value of experience, that’s why all the emotional baggage, all the heart-ache, all the fall-outs, they’re worth it in the end because they’ll always be the good memories if it does truly end, and on top of that, you have experience. Something you can’t learn in a class room.
I am writing this on the train but the wi-fi isn’t working, so you’re probably reading this in the evening at the earliest because I’m stuck in an office all day - fun.
Do remember to leave ranty comments and hate mail below, it eats time, omnomnom.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Painted Whores, Sexual Gladiators...
From the title of this blog and from the very first blog post, I explained to you how many of those around me had observed I was a whore. Not in the way that I'm a prostitute (...one day) but that I tend to find myself in relations of one sort or another with various different people, numerous times, in a short space of time. I at first was shocked with this observation, when it was first pointed out to me, almost offended. I couldn't quite believe that the way I behaved, made me a slut. However, after being told various stories of my immediate past, I accepted that maybe, I was indeed, a slut. It didn't sit well with me at all, It was something I had never realized, and had previously thought as a bad thing, It was, to me, (baring in mind I'm a complete drama queen) a bit like finding out you have this life long condition, or you're pregnant. For me it seemed to change everything, because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that at that point in time, I wanted to act, and continue to act like that. It worries me that looking in the dictionary you find the word 'slut' defined as 'a dirty, slovenly woman'. Now I was angered by this for three reasons:
1) I'm not dirty, I keep myself very clean, I brush my teeth, wash myself, I even eat healthily. More than that, I have had a STI health check, and I'm clean in that way as well. So screw you dictionary.
2) 'Slovenly' is a word I didn't know, and hence I had to look up that word as well - this angered me. Turns out it means 'Messy ... Careless ... Excessively Casual'. Not happy - I'm a well mannered chap, hence not messy at all, unless I'm asked to be of course. I am not careless, I'm very careful about not missing the last train home, or forgetting to record 90210, holding my friends head over the toilet (I have done this three times with three different people, having been completely wasted, I think that's quite impressive, and thoughtful). Now, the one I'm most angry about is 'Excessively Casual'. How very dare you. I take my clothing and the way I act very seriously, I have a swagger, I do my thing, I dress good, and I never leave my hair unkept. Boom.
3) Thirdly, I am displeased, because I am not a woman. Thank you.
The above proves that people often have very different definitions of 'sluts' most of which turn out, when applied to reality, not to be true. The above included. What annoys me further is that a lot of, if not most people look down upon us sex enthusiasts. As Gwen from 'Eating Out' says "We're just organic bodies with organic needs" - and yes, that does sound ridiculous. But it bares some truth. Some people ride roller coasters, some people play sport, some people watch cat videos on youtube, but me, I get my biggest thrill from human contact - and that surely is the most rational thrills of all the above interests, hence, what is wrong with getting this thrill as much as I want. Hey we're (quite) young, we're (quite) free, If somebody wants to be sensuous and flirtatious and erotic, let 'em be just that. If someone wants to dance (or more) with several guys all at once or over a small time, fine, do so. As long as you don't hurt yourself; there's nothing wrong with being a slut. So, here, today, I am starting the slut liberation, where everyone for at least once in their lives, embraces the little slut within, because I embraced mine (...although mine isn't very 'inner' it's, well, it's very out) and now, me and my sluttyness enjoy oursleves, and other people very much, you should as well, even if just for a short time.
Do leave your gushing, loving comments below, even if it's to despise me, I always enjoy reading them, even if there is just one from a very loyal reader: and don't forget to share as well, I enjoy myself, so should others. Like this one, my post will be quite late tomorrow, I'm a popular boy see.
1) I'm not dirty, I keep myself very clean, I brush my teeth, wash myself, I even eat healthily. More than that, I have had a STI health check, and I'm clean in that way as well. So screw you dictionary.
2) 'Slovenly' is a word I didn't know, and hence I had to look up that word as well - this angered me. Turns out it means 'Messy ... Careless ... Excessively Casual'. Not happy - I'm a well mannered chap, hence not messy at all, unless I'm asked to be of course. I am not careless, I'm very careful about not missing the last train home, or forgetting to record 90210, holding my friends head over the toilet (I have done this three times with three different people, having been completely wasted, I think that's quite impressive, and thoughtful). Now, the one I'm most angry about is 'Excessively Casual'. How very dare you. I take my clothing and the way I act very seriously, I have a swagger, I do my thing, I dress good, and I never leave my hair unkept. Boom.
3) Thirdly, I am displeased, because I am not a woman. Thank you.
The above proves that people often have very different definitions of 'sluts' most of which turn out, when applied to reality, not to be true. The above included. What annoys me further is that a lot of, if not most people look down upon us sex enthusiasts. As Gwen from 'Eating Out' says "We're just organic bodies with organic needs" - and yes, that does sound ridiculous. But it bares some truth. Some people ride roller coasters, some people play sport, some people watch cat videos on youtube, but me, I get my biggest thrill from human contact - and that surely is the most rational thrills of all the above interests, hence, what is wrong with getting this thrill as much as I want. Hey we're (quite) young, we're (quite) free, If somebody wants to be sensuous and flirtatious and erotic, let 'em be just that. If someone wants to dance (or more) with several guys all at once or over a small time, fine, do so. As long as you don't hurt yourself; there's nothing wrong with being a slut. So, here, today, I am starting the slut liberation, where everyone for at least once in their lives, embraces the little slut within, because I embraced mine (...although mine isn't very 'inner' it's, well, it's very out) and now, me and my sluttyness enjoy oursleves, and other people very much, you should as well, even if just for a short time.
Do leave your gushing, loving comments below, even if it's to despise me, I always enjoy reading them, even if there is just one from a very loyal reader: and don't forget to share as well, I enjoy myself, so should others. Like this one, my post will be quite late tomorrow, I'm a popular boy see.
Monday, 30 May 2011
Where The Heart Is...
As promised, I have returned from the theatre, an emotional mess and ready to vomit my emotions out unashamedly onto the internet. The play 'A View From The Bridge', deals with many themes, but one of the more simple, basic, surface ideas of the play that got me thinking was the attraction people have to places: Why people go where they do, what people do there, why they do it and where they want to be. Now, allow me to devoid completely from the play, but a thought came into my head; "Home is where the heart is". The idea of home confuses me, some people say it's where you were born, where your family is or simply, anywhere you are, and then of course there are those who simply don't understand the concept of home, seeing themselves to be free spirits, roaming where they please without anything holding them back.
I myself do not see where I live right now, as home. I define the idea of a 'home' as somewhere where you confide in people, where you are able to realize and express emotions and listen to those of the people around you and furthermore, where you feel an overwhelming amount of passion or expectation. So for example, I do have a home right now, it exists in three places. The first, is the home I have in my friends, as I do so many things with them, and so much of my life has been spent with them. The second, is in my brother and my mother, due to the overwhelming love I feel for both of them, and by the same token, the love I feel I get from them. The third, is the one which confuses me the most, the one I fail to understand myself sometimes, and that is, my future, my dreams; the person I will love, I feel at home with him, despite the fact I've never met him, I feel at home, knowing that he may come. Furthermore, the places I am going to be, I feel at home there, every time I pass my weekends in London, I feel home, it offers so much to me as in my heart and my head I know I will pass a large part of my life there, my expectations and dreams lie there, and that excitement, that potential, makes me at home.
So anyway, I would digress back to my first point but after writing "I digress back to my original point, trying desperately to link what I just said to the first statement, the play itself, deals with these ideas of places, going to them and doing things there, what I...", I realized anything I said after "what I..." would be, quite plainly, bullshit, and I do not wish for you to suffer that, and I know that I went off on a spectacular tangent, but it was loosely linked, right? Furthermore, my excuse for this shocking trail of thought, and for the one's that will follow is my own little saying "If we didn't go off in tangents, we'd be going round in circles" (I think that's right, I'm not very good at geometry you see...)
Talking of London, I'm heading down on Thursday, so expect much cultural chit-chat and philosophical oozing. Good word that, oozing, you never really want to say the '-ing'; it's one of those words where you never really want it to end, just keep hanging on the ooooozzzze, i won't overuse it though, It'll begin to sound weird in my head.
On that deranged not I'll pull myself away from the laptop.
Also, I will continue to annoy you by writing this at the bottom of every post, but do leave your maverick ramblings and hate mail in the comments below. If this blog ever does get read by more than two people, I would love to read your thoughts in order to pass the time. Oozing.
I myself do not see where I live right now, as home. I define the idea of a 'home' as somewhere where you confide in people, where you are able to realize and express emotions and listen to those of the people around you and furthermore, where you feel an overwhelming amount of passion or expectation. So for example, I do have a home right now, it exists in three places. The first, is the home I have in my friends, as I do so many things with them, and so much of my life has been spent with them. The second, is in my brother and my mother, due to the overwhelming love I feel for both of them, and by the same token, the love I feel I get from them. The third, is the one which confuses me the most, the one I fail to understand myself sometimes, and that is, my future, my dreams; the person I will love, I feel at home with him, despite the fact I've never met him, I feel at home, knowing that he may come. Furthermore, the places I am going to be, I feel at home there, every time I pass my weekends in London, I feel home, it offers so much to me as in my heart and my head I know I will pass a large part of my life there, my expectations and dreams lie there, and that excitement, that potential, makes me at home.
So anyway, I would digress back to my first point but after writing "I digress back to my original point, trying desperately to link what I just said to the first statement, the play itself, deals with these ideas of places, going to them and doing things there, what I...", I realized anything I said after "what I..." would be, quite plainly, bullshit, and I do not wish for you to suffer that, and I know that I went off on a spectacular tangent, but it was loosely linked, right? Furthermore, my excuse for this shocking trail of thought, and for the one's that will follow is my own little saying "If we didn't go off in tangents, we'd be going round in circles" (I think that's right, I'm not very good at geometry you see...)
Talking of London, I'm heading down on Thursday, so expect much cultural chit-chat and philosophical oozing. Good word that, oozing, you never really want to say the '-ing'; it's one of those words where you never really want it to end, just keep hanging on the ooooozzzze, i won't overuse it though, It'll begin to sound weird in my head.
On that deranged not I'll pull myself away from the laptop.
Also, I will continue to annoy you by writing this at the bottom of every post, but do leave your maverick ramblings and hate mail in the comments below. If this blog ever does get read by more than two people, I would love to read your thoughts in order to pass the time. Oozing.
Back and Dry...
So yes, here I am, back as promised the day after the first post. Waking up this morning, I felt completely dry of inspiration, all I wanted to do was eat cereal and watch reality TV; consequently, that is what I did, but after refraining from a third helping of cereal and hence retaining my dignity, I dragged myself back toward the computer with the aim of posting on this marvelous blog. I had hoped that on the journey between my TV and my laptop I would be miraculously inspired, caught up in a frenzy of passionate belief and ready to type away, but no, to my surprise i sat down, without a thought to whimsy from my mind. Hence, I procrastinated, helplessly; 'Ooh I must check my facebook', 'Maybe I should clear up my hard drive' and so on... In fact, even me writing this is a form of procrastination, procrastination from doing any sort of work that may earn me some money over the summer. So, here I am, feeling a sense of achievement that I've managed to cease procrastinating from the procrastination of this blog. If you're not following, don't worry, neither am I.
Alas, I'm sorry dear reader (and you are dear, you're one of few - i assume), but this blog is nothing more than procrastination. It's a painfully honest truth, but it is the truth. However, that is not to say that this will be something I will refrain from, rather, it is something into which I can channel all of my easily distracted mind. Hence, I suppose you dear reader could say I am using you, you and this blog, like the self absorbed whore that I am, purely for self gain in the field of concentration. However, me using you has its benefits, I would like to think that reading my posts are and will become and have been enjoyable, hence, surely this is a win win situation?
Anyway, that is all for now, I am going to the theatre this evening so I may return more inspired than before, hence, look forward (or back) to me spilling my emotional guts out in the small hours of tomorrow morning.
Also, don't forget to leave your maverick ramblings and hate mail in the comments below, it will make me look more popular; I'd like that very much.
- Side note: I did actually have to edit this after reading it, as at the beginning of each paragraph I had said 'So yes...' because I'm a repetition whore. Furthermore, I'm not sure whether 'to whimsy' is a verb, but I've used it, and it is now. So deal with it.
Alas, I'm sorry dear reader (and you are dear, you're one of few - i assume), but this blog is nothing more than procrastination. It's a painfully honest truth, but it is the truth. However, that is not to say that this will be something I will refrain from, rather, it is something into which I can channel all of my easily distracted mind. Hence, I suppose you dear reader could say I am using you, you and this blog, like the self absorbed whore that I am, purely for self gain in the field of concentration. However, me using you has its benefits, I would like to think that reading my posts are and will become and have been enjoyable, hence, surely this is a win win situation?
Anyway, that is all for now, I am going to the theatre this evening so I may return more inspired than before, hence, look forward (or back) to me spilling my emotional guts out in the small hours of tomorrow morning.
Also, don't forget to leave your maverick ramblings and hate mail in the comments below, it will make me look more popular; I'd like that very much.
- Side note: I did actually have to edit this after reading it, as at the beginning of each paragraph I had said 'So yes...' because I'm a repetition whore. Furthermore, I'm not sure whether 'to whimsy' is a verb, but I've used it, and it is now. So deal with it.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Self Absorbed Whore...
So yes, this is an introduction, I'm not going to attempt to explain what this blog is about or is going to develop into, because it's been created in a caffeine fueled fit of expression. However, I will introduce myself, as it is the polite thing to do, no? So, I have actually already described myself in so many words; "...a self absorbed whore", I bet that got you interested huh? Well, it's not all strictly true, but I couldn't think of any other way to sum up myself effectively or indeed at all, in a short a space as is available in the title of the page.
So let me break it down, I'm not totally self absorbed, I like to think I'm a relatively generous and caring friend, however, I spend a lot of my time staring into a mirror. I've also been caught checking my hair and such in any reflective object, including the windows of occupied cars, the reflective backs of industrial refrigerators at Cafe Nero, sunglasses of friends who think I'm staring longingly into their eyes et cetera. But hey, even though friends occasionally comment that I'm vein and self promoting, I like to think I'm just confident, which is something which I've found rather recently, as in the past, I have been painfully shy. In terms of describing myself as a 'Whore', well, I don't regularly get payed for sex (only irregularly of course), however, my friends comment regularly that I get around a bit, a quality that I congratulate myself for; "Play Safe : Play Regularly". Furthermore, I was originally going to baptise this blog "Diary Of A Self Absorbed (Man/Boy)", but the domain was taken. What a bitch. And yes, I am a man/boy. I would like to call myself a Man, but really, I don't know what a man is really; is it a burly lumberjack romping around an evergreen forest? Is it responsibility? Is it his maturity? Who knows? But anyway, I'll refrain from divulging into a huge philosophical debate, you'll be suffering enough of that in the future, I'm sure, It's one of my tendencies.
Also, as you can see from above, one of my tendencies is also to ramble on without much direction, so look forward to that also. Forgot to say, the name is Angus... Angus James
Lastly, and most importantly look forward to me expressing myself endlessly on a (hopefully) daily basis.
- Side note: I'll try to make this experience as two-way as possible, so leave your maverick ramblings and hate mail in the comments below, no doubt they'll be pitifully empty for quite some time, if not always.
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