It's true; I hate that you're reading this. And by 'you' I mean YOU. You being me in the future, or anyone else bored enough to still be reading at this point. The reason for this, is because you are now ultimately my responsibility (in the loosest sense... also, is that how you spell 'loosest', there's no squiggly red line so I hope so, do correct me if I'm wrong). But yes, back to the point, I have a responsibility to account my thoughts at a particular time using the medium of this website, for your entertainment, and over the past week, I have failed miserably - I'm quite sure I made a promise to be posting at least once every two days, but let's be realistic here, I'm a disorganized bastard, so you will have to put up with these tremendous pauses.
Anyway, the reason I talk of responsibilities is because it is often disputed over whether they're a bad thing or not. One would suppose that having no responsibilities at all would be a good thing, complete freedom is something often viewed as a good thing, but in achieving having no responsibilities you would have given up a lot, therefore, surely with responsibilities comes rewards, right? Furthermore, in having no responsibility, you begin to hurt those around you - I think? (NB - When I put a question mark, it basically means I'm intensely confused and desperately clawing my way back to some sort of structure, do help me answer these difficult questions).
Right. Okay. I'm going to start making statements here. I believe responsibility is a good thing. Despite how difficult they are they bear rewards, and even if they aren't physical or obviously emotional, there will always be self-respect that comes with bearing a responsibility. Now, as I babble on, I am slowly becoming more passionate about this, and quite frankly, right now at this very moment at 20:58 on a Wednesday 22nd June, 2011, I would slap anyone who doesn't believe that responsibility is a good thing with a wet salmon. This is because by not taking responsibility whether it be for your actions or for someone else's, you're actively ignoring the prospect of making life just a little more easy and rewarding for yourself and/or others in the future. It is quite frankly, Irresponsible. And once again, at this moment in time 21:03 (yes It takes me a long time to think), I believe that it's possible that being "Irresponsible" is the worst quality (or at least one of the worst) that a person can have. These irresponsible scoundrel hipsters would probably say that 'irresponsibility' is just another word for freedom and therefore happiness, and just allow me to take a small tangent here. With the risk of sounding like a 1984 propaganda poster Freedom ≠ Happiness. Yeah, sure, you can say 'That's what the government want you to think' but to be quite honest, it's completely true. Your complete freedom will and always has cost the complete freedom of others. Surely it's better to not get selfish, and just settle for being 'slightly free'. Just keep a small amount of responsibility to keep yourself and others in the (relatively clear) clear. We should aim to not become the person that applies to a quote i can't remember right now. Give me a minute I'll google it;
"Most of us can read the writing on the wall;
we just assume it's addressed to somebody else" - Ivern Ball
So yes, I'll leave you with that.
Sidenote - Now today was meant to be "Query of the Week" day, but no-one commented on the last one - thanks. It feels like I've just made sandwiches for everyone but now no-one's hungry. (It doesn't feel like that at all, because there's nothing to eat). What we'll do instead is move the Query to tomorrow, and abandon the last question. So, tomorrow in the post I'll ask something and then you have a whole week to comment. Please do, it would make my eyes very happy (they're feeling a little blue at the moment - puns FTW)
Thus, please do leave you're tenacious text tipples and randy rants below.
I don't think responsibility is a good thing. Yes, I am irresponsible (sometimes). But I'm young and irresponsibility and carefreeness is meant for youth, while we can enjoy without serious consequences. I may be a "hipster" (oh how I love the word - such connotations of Alexander McQueen's low riders) but I would say that more freedom = more happiness. Peace out man, I cba keyboard arguing :)