AHHHH! It's 23:48 on a Thursday and I still haven't posted - Two choices;
1) Write a post in 12 minutes
2) Post tomorrow and fail you
However, in honor of having watched Green Lantern today I'm going to act like a hero and write an entire meaningful blog post in 12 minutes (technically 10 minutes now).
Ok so, thinking of an idea real quick here....
The idea of having no fear is one explored in the (quite) popular comic series 'Green Lantern' which I (being a bit of a Geek [to be discussed later]). At this point I would quite like to disagree with the idea that having no fear is a good thing, but being loyal to my love for Green Lantern, I'm going to say (fearlessly) that having no fear is something that should be cherished, enjoyed and sought after.
Drawing on the idea from the last post about freedom - it is possible that it is not irresponsibility that frees us, but in fact is one's capability to be fearless. Or are the two ideas [irresponsibility and fearlessness] one and the same? NO. Would be my quick decisive answer to that, mostly due to the fact that sometime one has to be fearless to take on a responsibility - once again; Responsibilities FTW.
4 Minutes remaining! Ahhh!
Yes, so anyway, it is in my belief very important to be fearless, it frees you in that the possibilities of what you can and can't do become endless - for example, overcoming your fear of the dark may mean a whole new hobby in Spelunking arises! (look it up, it's an awesome word - but I've never done it)
Once again at the same time, maybe at times it's important to be with fear? IN order to know when you're going to far... You shouldn't have to make everyone else sacred for you because you aren't scared. This once again draws back to the idea of responsibility and freedom. You being free costs the freedom of others. So once again it's important to work with this universal law that is beginning to become more and more apparent, that everything you do has consequences and will cost you or those around you in one way or another. Anyway that concludes the actual post at 23:59 :)
COMPLETE! - That was horrendous. But impressive, and probably a nice bite-size chunk for your Friday reading material
The 'Query of the Week' is taken from a blog called 'Break The Illusion', the writer commonly known as 'Davey Wavey' writes;
"The thing about drama is that it takes a lot of energy to sustain, and it requires doing things, reacting or holding perspectives in a way that results in resistance. In other words, drama doesn’t happen to us; we create it through our participation. Our actions, reactions and thoughts are now – and always have been – our choices."
Other than as a performance art (i.e. In real life) do we think drama that Davy talks about here is a negative thing? Or does it make the world go round, could we survive without it?
Sidenote- Yes, it's that time of the post again, where you can enjoy me saying random stuff which consistently annoys you because I'm always adding stuff and sounding like an idiot. Well, guess what? It's more of the same! I'll be adding a new section to the blog. In honor of Rebecca Black's musical masterpiece 'Friday', Fridays are now devoted entirely to music; what I like, what I don't like, lyrics, memories, melodies and beats. I figured this would be a good idea because these posts will be considerably smaller hence easier for me to do on a busy busy Friday, and easier for you to read. If you get round to reading it at all (please do).
Remember to leave carnivorous comments and hacking hate-mail down below, and if you don't have a google account, make one, they're awesome and it means you can comment - GET INVOLVED! We're having fun here, you should join in!
Ahahahahahaaha I saw that quote and was totally considering copying and pasting it to a couple of friends (until I realised I couldn't do that on my phone gr). Good, I like music and to the drama thing - a little is essential, some is fun but too much melodrama is fucking annoying.