So I really don't know how to begin this post. Usually I would start with a story of a past event then analyze what was right or wrong about that event - or I'd look at aspects of my life, and the lives of others around me and try to figure out what the hell any of it means and leads to. However, today, although with a topic in mind, I cannot start with a story really. This is because it's something that reoccurs. I am literally unable to recall the specific dialogue and interactions of the last example of this 'thing' that I want to talk about due to the overwhelming amount of times it's happened and no doubt will happen in the future. What I want to talk about is stereotyping and categorizing.
For the most part, categorizing is an incredible ability that we humans possess - it allows us to make life just a little bit more easy to manage, and it works great with items and places and events. But when it comes to people, the art of categorizing becomes infinitely less accurate, and corrodes an individuals ability to see people as individuals, rather than part of a category or stereotype. When you meet someone for the first time, they will probably be trying to 'figure you out' - what you're like, what you like, how popular you are, how successful you are and so on. That's fine, it's something our minds cannot avoid doing and it allows us to build an idea of how compatible you are as a friend or more with the person you're conversing with. This analysis becomes weak and inaccurate when we begin to try and fit them into stereotypes. This is because before you've even found out a lot about this person, you've predicted and sometimes confirmed in your head 'who' this person is. You can be almost certain that the person you are talking with does not fit the stereotype. Please don't do this, the amount of times people have said to me "oh, I just assumed because you're *insert category*" or "Oh so that's why you *insert stereotypical characteristic".
Another situation in which stereotypes and categories become dangerous will be explained in Part II, I felt it was all too much for just one post.
Sidenote- this is the bit where I talk about stuff, but there's no stuff to be talked about. So enjoy this video of a dove ruining a cat-nap instead.
Please comment and stuff, I like to hear your thoughts, and make sure you put them below so everyone else can hear them too! And if you don't have a google account - get one, they're rather useful.
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