...moving up in the world, being given more responsibilities, being forced to be more self-reliant. All of these things, supposedly, make a person more mature. I beg to differ. Recently myself and my peers have 'moved up in the world' so to speak. We wear suits, we roam freely and are trusted enough to take care of our own safety and welfare. As I saw this step up in the world coming towards me in the summer, I assumed that those sharing this graduation in responsibility, would become more mature. Oh, how could I have been more wrong?
I have been told many times by me superiors that my opinions and way of expressing them, is at a maturity beyond my age. I have also been told that those friends that I surround myself with are also mature beyond their age. I am proud of this. As we moved into this period of our lives with each other, we realised that this gift of responsibility was not a prize for maturity, but rather, a challenge to show your maturity. Sadly, others of my age group have not realised this. They assume that with all these responsibilities, they are able to be just as much of a child as before, except be punished less. Referring to them as children, maybe a little unfair. Children are innocent, learn from their mistakes and are often incredibly adept at forgiving and understanding people, more so than most adults. These people I take of are rather more like... well, toss-pots and selfish, arrogant, egotistical dicks.
They continue to make up ridiculous stories, make fun of those different to themselves in order to impress those around them, and show a deliberate lack of interest in their success, all, seemingly to prove they're 'real men'. What they do not realise is that the mark of maturity is not popularity, or the ability to demean those smaller than yourself, but rather the ability to be aware of your actions and how they may effect those around you. What's ironic is that they demean those people with that mark of maturity, those people that are 'real men' or 'real women'.
Yes I'm angry, and yes, this is personal. Yes, someone, an 'arrogant, egotistical dick' has chosen me to demean, in order to impress his peers. Don't worry - I gave him hell, and will continue to do so...
Sidenote- The stories an events involving this unfortunate situation will be described in part two.
I'm beginning to not like the real world so much.