Friday 17 May 2013

Two Years On...

As you may guess by the hour at which this will be posted, this may or may not be somewhat fuelled by a very nice bottle of 2012 Sauvignon Blanc and a lot of nostalgia, nonetheless here it is, not that anyone will be reading this, more like a 'note to self' post really. Anyway, here it is, two years and six days on from my last post and after reading them its incredible to realise how much, and how little I've changed. The last time I was writing here, I hadn't even considered university, now, I'll be going to one in four months. I barely understood what it meant to hate, love and feel pain. Now, to some extent, I do, although I'm sure there's more of that to come. I don't really want to go into detail about much as it seems pointless, considering the myriad of events that have torn up and rearranged the pieces of my life over the past two years. Two boyfriends, one secret boyfriend, numerous dates, even more numerous one-night flings (even morning ones) and a whole lot of friends. All of them coming, and some of them, unfortunately going. I've probably gone through more in the past two years than I have in the whole 16 years of my life before that fateful Summer of 2011, and that even more spectacular Summer of 2012. And, whether good or bad, all these experiences have taught me a great deal, teachings I hope to put to good use as I turn over the page this summer, to find I have to start a whole new chapter in my life. However, this chapter won't start with familiar faces or familiar places. I'm scared, terrified even. But also, excited. I'll no doubt have lots to write about, but whether I'll be writing them on here or not is uncertain. Although, to my knowledge, I'm the only person who reads this, I still feel more comfortable writing down some things, in my own private journal. Which is where I'll be writing, as my life has got far more 'exciting' one might say, and some things I think are definitely best kept for my eyes only. Even so, I hope to be back here, at some point, maybe just to read old posts, maybe to write new ones, either way, a small note to myself;

The last two years have been a pleasure, highs, lows, comfortably sitting in the middles, and its all thanks to you, Angus. You made everything happen; you were the idiot who fell for a womaniser, and never climbed out, you were the vulnerable cute kid in the bar who someone wanted to roofie, you were the drunk guy at that party who got his top off and pissed off many, but made a special few want to be friends with you. All this and more, was you. Now that you're moving on, remember me, remember your friends, all of them, the fabulous fashionista you wished you talked to more because she reminds you of a less annoying Carrie Bradshaw everytime you stalk her on facebook, the horribly charming one who went behind your back but still kept your trust, the crazy one who watched you shower and stole gravel from gardens for you and all the rest of those wonderful characters. They weren't the most popular, are the prettiest but they were by far, from every single angle inside and out the most beautiful people you could ever have wished to meet, and although you made the last two years what they were, they made you what you are now.

All my love,


Monday 5 December 2011


Long time, no see. Shame. But really the only person reading this is me or some hapless individual(s) in the future - hence it doesn't really matter. However, worry not as a post is impending...
The reason why? Well, this time i've not been cheating on my culture tumblr thing (here) - no, instead i've been masturbating profusely and partying. Good times. However, it has left me somewhat divoid of time with which to do all this stuff - however, i've now decided that instead of being productive i'm gonna smoke cigarettes, make clothes and talk to my boy. This has all somewhat led to a very strong urge to get back to all this bohemian nonsense - so here i am...

Wednesday 14 September 2011

something very uplifting about this :) Laughter is an incredible thing

Sunday 11 September 2011

Big Boy Now... Part 1

...moving up in the world, being given more responsibilities, being forced to be more self-reliant. All of these things, supposedly, make a person more mature. I beg to differ. Recently myself and my peers have 'moved up in the world' so to speak. We wear suits, we roam freely and are trusted enough to take care of our own safety and welfare. As I saw this step up in the world coming towards me in the summer, I assumed that those sharing this graduation in responsibility, would become more mature. Oh, how could I have been more wrong?

I have been told many times by me superiors that my opinions and way of expressing them, is at a maturity beyond my age. I have also been told that those friends that I surround myself with are also mature beyond their age. I am proud of this. As we moved into this period of our lives with each other, we realised that this gift of responsibility was not a prize for maturity, but rather, a challenge to show your maturity. Sadly, others of my age group have not realised this. They assume that with all these responsibilities, they are able to be just as much of a child as before, except be punished less. Referring to them as children, maybe a little unfair. Children are innocent, learn from their mistakes and are often incredibly adept at forgiving and understanding people, more so than most adults. These people I take of are rather more like... well, toss-pots and selfish, arrogant, egotistical dicks.

They continue to make up ridiculous stories, make fun of those different to themselves in order to impress those around them, and show a deliberate lack of interest in their success, all, seemingly to prove they're 'real men'. What they do not realise is that the mark of maturity is not popularity, or the ability to demean those smaller than yourself, but rather the ability to be aware of your actions and how they may effect those around you. What's ironic is that they demean those people with that mark of maturity, those people that are 'real men' or 'real women'.

Yes I'm angry, and yes, this is personal. Yes, someone, an 'arrogant, egotistical dick' has chosen me to demean, in order to impress his peers. Don't worry - I gave him hell, and will continue to do so...

Sidenote- The stories an events involving this unfortunate situation will be described in part two. 

Saturday 10 September 2011

Getting Smart: Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legalized Throughout the US

So this is something i wrote about two years ago as an english assignment... Before I came out. Like most of my English pieces (not meaning to brag... well) it received full marks. My teacher, so impressed asked if I would read it out in class. It's fair to say that that was definitely in my top ten most terrifying moment EVER. Standing up and reading to a bunch of teenagers (most of whom found and still find the notion of being gay a novelty - more on that later) about gay marriage. Anyway here it is. 

In the United States and in other countries across the world, huge tensions and political debates are arising over whether or not same-sex marriage should be legalized. It is my opinion that by denying same-sex couples the right to lawfully wed, you make them second class citizens. Therefore, in the United States, same-sex marriage should be legalized presently.
It is often argued by those opposing the legalization of same-sex marriage that marriage is an institution meant between one man and one woman, this is also the argument written in US law.
However, this argument is clearly untenable. Who defines marriage? Religion? If this is the case, although the belief may be kept within religious communities, no religious text should directly affect US law, this very point is codified within US law, hence, if this is the case, US law is contradicting itself massively. If it is the married, however, who define marriage, then is it not unfair that those given and enjoying the right to marry can actively deny others the right to marry. Or, finally, it could be tradition that defines marriage. In which case, the tradition of marriage has been broken countless times throughout history, sometimes, for the better. One example of this is divorce, first legalized in Greek-Roman culture, then later on, famously legalized by Henry VIII in medieval England.
Another point often opined by US senates, is that marriage’s main purpose is for procreation and the stable raising of children. This is a point that often angers supporters of same-sex marriage. This is because this argument contradicts itself on so many levels, as well as failing to reward itself little sense. If this argument stated were to be codified in US law, it would not only deny same-sex couples to marry, but also infertile couples, and couples who have no intention of having children. It should also be pointed out that studies have shown same-sex couples just as capable as raising children as their heterosexual counterparts. And although same-sex couples are physically incapable of having children together, they are perfectly able to take part in surrogacy and adoption. 
Another fear that many people attain about the legalization of same-sex marriage, is that churches and other religious establishments would be forced to marry same-sex couples, hence putting there beliefs into disrepute. However the proposition contains no such statement, it would be a right not a requirement, that churches could marry same-sex couples. Nor would any law allowing same-sex marriage, deny the right of religious beliefs contradicting such a law.
After evaluating all of the above it is my belief that dis-allowing same-sex marriage is non-sensical and denies the liberation of around 5% of the US population.

Monday 22 August 2011

I've Been Cheating On You...

...I guess you're wondering why I haven't been around for a while, and, well, I think I should just spit it out really. I have been cheating on you. I'm so sorry, but I want you to understand why. It's just, sometimes, I don't have the time for you, and I don't want to come around here in the small hours of the morning to try and make something amazing with you when we both know, it won't be any good at all - and we'd both be faking it. I just think, that, if we're going to make this work, I have to be honest with you. His name is... Tumblr. I know! I know! I'm sorry, but we think we can make this work... with all three of us. I mean, I'll be in the middle and I can go between you and Tumblr. That way, with all the passion between the three of us, it'll work so well. Right? Oh good! I'm so glad you're happy with it! I can see great things for us three. He's right here if you want to meet him... in fact, we can get started right now if you want? Well, I've shown you to him already, so he already knows about you, but you should get to know him. So here he is, go see what he's like, he's a little more visual but that's all part of it. You can be the words, and he'll be the images and sounds. So glad we could make this work.